Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

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Enseignement trilingue de qualité

Bienvenue à

Maple Bear Maroc

Maple Bear apporte le meilleur de l'éducation bilingue à travers le monde en offrant une éducation de haute qualité afin préparer les élèves à réussir dans la vie. Il y a actuellement plus de 473 écoles maternelles, primaire et secondaires Maple Bear dans le monde et dans 39 pays. Nous fonctionnons en conformité avec les réglementations locales en matière d'éducation et nous nous efforçons de répondre aux attentes de tous nos parents, peu importe leur culture ou le pays.

Plus d’informations sur Maple Bear

Notre histoire

L'idée de développer les écoles Maple Bear est née du travail du Canadian Education Centre Network (CECN), un organisme à but non lucratif soutenu par le Gouvernement du Canada et par la Fondation Asie Pacifique du Canada.

Education canadienne

Le système éducatif Canadien se classe constamment parmi les meilleurs au monde. En 2018, le Programme International pour le Suivi des Acquis des élèves (PISA) a classé le Canada au premier rang des pays anglophones en sciences, en mathématiques et en lecture.

Investir dans une école

La demande pour une éducation bilingue de qualité augmente dans le monde entier. De plus en plus de parents cherchent les moyens de donner à leurs enfants une longueur d'avance dans la vie. Les éducateurs et les investisseurs du monde entier choisissent de répondre à cette demande en investissant dans les écoles Maple Bear pour leur méthodologie canadienne de renommée mondiale et en raison de la réputation internationale de l'enseignement bilingue Canadien.

Programme et Méthodologie

Le programme Maple Bear est élaboré par notre équipe d'experts Canadiens en éducation et continuellement mis à jour avec les plus récentes pratiques éducatives Canadiennes. Au niveau préscolaire, Maple Bear offre un système d'apprentissage en immersion en langue anglaise axé sur les élèves, basé sur la pédagogie canadienne et ses meilleures pratiques. Aux niveaux élémentaires et secondaires, nous offrons un programme trilingue qui permet aux étudiants de poursuivre leurs études dans leur pays d'origine ou à l'étranger.


Chaque enfant mérite de faire le meilleur départ possible dans la vie et d’avoir tout le soutien possible pour lui permettre de réaliser son potentiel. Les enfants se développent rapidement au cours des premières années et les expériences vécues entre la naissance et l'âge de cinq ans ont un impact majeur sur leurs perspectives d'avenir. Maple Bear établit des normes élevées pour assurer la préparation des enfants à l’entrée à l'école primaire.


Maple Bear a élaboré un excellent programme pour l’élémentaire, pratique, rigoureux et pertinent dans chaque domaine, fondé sur l'approche canadienne très performante de l'apprentissage et de l'enseignement. Le programme élémentaire est conçu pour instruire l'enfant dans son ensemble - physiquement, intellectuellement, émotionnellement et socialement.


Le programme Maple Bear pour le secondaire reflète les recherches actuelles sur l'éducation des adolescents. Le défi consiste à faciliter l'apprentissage tout en respectant les stades de développement et les caractéristiques uniques des jeunes adolescents. Les parents, les enseignants et les chefs d'établissement ont un rôle crucial à jouer dans l'éducation des élèves du secondaire.

39 Pays
  +473+ Écoles
Dans Le Monde
  +65,000+ Élèves
Dans Le Monde

Réseau Mondial
Maple Bear

Trouver une École
Pourquoi au Maroc, les parents choisissent Maple Bear
La croissance de Maple Bear au Maroc Maple Bear Global Schools a ouvert ses premières écoles en Inde en 2005, et en 2007, des écoles Maple Bear ont ouvert leurs…
An important reminder for all of us! (via @wearete An important reminder for all of us!
(via @weareteachers)
#Educators #MapleBearTeachers #MapleBearParents
“Children more than ever, need opportunities to “Children more than ever, need opportunities to be in their bodies in the world – jumping rope, bicycling, stream hopping and fort building. It’s this engagement between limbs of the body and bones of the earth where true balance and centeredness emerge.” ⠀
- David Sobel⠀
📷: Cubs at play in the lush greenery and ample play area at @maplebearpenedo, Brazil.🌿⠀
#PlayOutside #Nature #Balance
We're delighted to welcome our first Maple Bear Sc We're delighted to welcome our first Maple Bear School in the city of Pachuca de Soto, México! Our new school opens in August 2022. Welcome to the global family, Maple Bear Pachuca! 🇲🇽🇨🇦⠀
(via @maplebearmx)⠀
#WeAreGrowing #MapleBearFamily #OwnAMapleBearSchool
Maple Bear reimagined through the artwork of a stu Maple Bear reimagined through the artwork of a student at @maplebearboavista, Brazil 🖍🎨 What a beautiful representation of the colour, joy and bright energy that children bring to our lives!
Heading into the weekend like..👋 📷: We love Heading into the weekend like..👋
📷: We love @maplebearvilanovaolimpia's school wall art 🐻🇨🇦 Education at Maple Bear certainly encompasses all of those qualities and more!
Wishing all Maple Bear Muslim friends & their fami Wishing all Maple Bear Muslim friends & their families Happy Eid-al-Fitr! #EidMubarak (via @maplebearsingapore)
#MapleBearAlumni: Alexia began her academic career #MapleBearAlumni: Alexia began her academic career at @maplebear.manaus when the school was first founded. There, she experienced bilingual education through teaching Maple Bear's holistic curriculum that trains students to be good citizens and creative, critical thinkers who will become the next generation's socially and environmentally responsible leaders.⠀
She was recently accepted at 19 prestigious universities in Europe and North America, including her dream college - King's College in London England - as well as University of Saint Andrews and University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and Fordham University in New York. ⠀
Her education through Maple Bear's Canadian and bilingual methodology have provided her a solid foundation for her academic achievements. Alexia, we are so proud of you and wish you all the best on your journey! 🐻🎖️⠀
#NextGeneration ProudToBeMapleBear #TheBestOfCanadianEducation
Great activity from @maplebearsingapore for young Great activity from @maplebearsingapore for young Maple Bear cubs to practice their numbers and letters at home. Who says learning can't be fun? 😁
#MathMakesSense #MapleBearAtHome #TheBestOfCanadianEducation
To the world, you're a mother. To your family, you To the world, you're a mother. To your family, you're the world.💗 Wishing all the #MapleBearMoms out there a very happy mother's day!
The @maplebearslz staff - all education profession The @maplebearslz staff - all education professionals within the age range set by the local government - are happy to get their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Last week we hosted the first ever virtual Global Last week we hosted the first ever virtual Global Partners Meeting, convening our joint venture partners from across the Maple Bear global network. Each representative introduced their region, as well as their unique features and challenges. Global Partners meetings, now happening regularly throughout the year, allow us to capitalize on the strength of our network through the sharing of best practices and resources across borders.⠀
#StrongerTogether #ProudToBeMapleBear
Maple Bear schools that have opened their doors to Maple Bear schools that have opened their doors to classroom learning are following stringent health and hygiene requirements as well as their local government regulations. All staff, from administrators, teachers and teaching assistants to cleaners and support staff have been well-trained in COVID protocols before school openings. ⠀
In our collective efforts, the health and safety of our students, staff and families remain our number one priority. ⠀
📷: Reception at @maplebearlondrina, Brazil where even Maple Bear teddy is wearing a face mask!
Character education in the Maple Bear program enab Character education in the Maple Bear program enables students to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as respect, fairness, citizenship, empathy and responsibility for self and others. ⠀
Lessons in character education go beyond the academic structure and exist through actions put into practice - for the Year 3 students of @maplebearcampina, a focus on helpfulness was carried out in mini "missions" throughout the month. All the missions were helpful and collaborative actions with classmates and staff that contribute to a better school environment. Students then continue these actions outside of school, reproducing them at home with their families.⠀
#Helpers #TeachThemWell #TheBestOfCanadianEducation
#MapleBearOwners in Sofia, Bulgaria - Liliana, Suz #MapleBearOwners in Sofia, Bulgaria - Liliana, Suzana and Vyara - explain why they chose Canadian bilingual education in a recent Forbes Magazine article (via @maplebearcee): ⠀
 "Classical educational systems rely on the direct teaching of facts and methods - a model that is increasingly losing relevance in the era of unprecedented access to knowledge and information. Canada was among the first countries in which the education system evolved from a knowledge carrier to an institution that assisted the learning process itself. The focus is on developing complex qualities and skills such as critical thinking, creativity, teamwork skills, digital and technical literacy. The model does not exclude conventional school subjects. On the contrary, it complements them with the idea of ​​educating adaptive and curious individuals in the conditions of constant social, economic and technological changes of the 21st century."⠀
Link to full article in our bio. ⠀
#TheBestOfCanadianEducation #21stCenturySkills #ProudToBeMapleBear
Despite the travel restrictions brought on by COVI Despite the travel restrictions brought on by COVID, we can still cozy up indoors, open a good book and embark on an adventure with our children! 📖📚⠀
(via @maplebearyck, Singapore)⠀
#Literacy #Reading #BookLovers #TheBestOfCanadianEducation
Happy Earth Day! 🌎 As educators, we have to ma Happy Earth Day! 🌎

As educators, we have to make sure we are teaching our students the importance of the environment and the impact our actions can have when we put our minds together to work toward a goal.

That is why Maple Bear is taking a step for greater change through education and collaboration.

The Maple Bear academic team has created a unique program that takes the 17 United Nations Sustainability Goals and brings them to life for our students – through a new program called the Maple Bear Global Connections for Sustainability.

It will be rolled out this year and will provide an opportunity for our Maple Bear students around the world to engage and learn together across borders and build their knowledge around global sustainability issues.

What steps will you take towards making a change this Earth Day?

Check the link in our bio to learn more about this innovative program on our blog.


#earthday #earthday2021 
#GlobalConnectionsForSustainability #MapleBear #TheBestOfCanadianEducation
"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."
- Roald Dahl
📷: Cute Alert! Playful moment captured at @maplebearilha , Brasil.
#CherishChildhood #HappyKids #LetThemPlay
#Empathy #Kindness #TeachThemWell (via @weareteach #Empathy #Kindness #TeachThemWell (via @weareteachers )
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